About sixteen:nine International Film Festival

SNIFF stands for sixteen:nine International Film Festival, launched by the students of Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management. It promotes student filmmaking and independent cinema through the medium of short films.
Radhika is committee member/content writer for the Literature Department of SNIFF '09. This blog is a record of her thoughts and experiences during the making of SNIFF '09. She is entitled to an opinion about everything and due to superior verbal stamina, she has to talk about it. In general, she loves reading and listening to music in her free-time. Her favourite activities include writing, dancing and playing throwball. She tries to imitate planet Earth and sometimes even the Solar system while moving around, otherwise she's pretty human. Her two standing rules are:
1. No Khan-bashing (Khan being the VCP, who she respects tremendously)
2. No talking about SNIFF over food (which assures a SNIFF-free ambience for at least 2 hours everyday).

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

No good news

And 15 hours after I put up the last post, I get the news that Khan is officially out of SNIFF.
I'm angry, disappointed, lost, worried.
For me, he embodied 50% of the effective workforce.
A mentor in so many ways, a visionary. this may sound like an obituary, but to all those who haven't yet figured what they have lost- consider this.
"If I can do this, anybody can"
"Your potential is here (somewhere around his shoulders), and this (around his waist) is what you're working like"
And you call him demoralizing?
The only core in which I was present, where he gave me every reason to demand the stepping-down of our HoD. It seemed so easy for him.
Can't believe the head-scratching, nail-chewing Cro-magnon won't be around anymore.
I'm angry, disappointed, lost, worried. What will SNIFF be like with someone who can picture it in his head?
Hope the current VCP has a very good idea of what he wants from our team.

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